

サムネイル画像:作画引用・出典 キングダム英語版 (原 泰久) 集英社






I am EI SEI the king of QIN.(秦王嬴政である。)

作画引用・出典 キングダム英語版 (原 泰久) 集英社

I am EI SEI the king of QIN.

QIN=秦 king of QIN=秦王

作画引用・出典 キングダム英語版 (原 泰久) 集英社

Hear me well, o peaple of SAI.

o peaple のoは呼びかけ
o(~よ) peaple of SAI(蕞の住民)

As you all know,we are currently embroiled in battle with the 600000 strong coalition army at KANKOKU pass.

embroiled in battle 戦いに巻き込まれる=交戦
coalition(連立した) army(軍)=合従軍 

Due to the valiant efforts of our soldiers, we have somehow managed to hold KANKOKU pass.

valiant(勇敢な) efforts(努力)=奮闘
somehow(何とか) managed to hold(保持することができている)

However enemy detachment of 30000 troops has slipped into the southern passage and is already closing in on this city of sai,the last line of defence before KANYOU.

detachment(分離した) troops(軍)=別動隊
the last line(最終ライン)=喉元

作画引用・出典 キングダム英語版 (原 泰久) 集英社

The enemy army is led by RIBOKU and HOUKEN of the ZHAO three great heavens.

three great heavens=三大天

However… KANYOU has not prepared itself to conbat them.

In other words, SAI is the last city that can hope to stop the enemy army. (つまりこの蕞が敵軍を止めることができる最後の城だ。)

作画引用・出典 キングダム英語版 (原 泰久) 集英社

In other words, SAI is the last city that can hope to stop the enemy army.

In other words(言い換えるのであれば)=つまり

I say again. If SAI does not stop the enemy, QIN shall perish.



I am aware of that. However, we have no choice but to stop them.. here at SAI.

no choice but to(~しか選択肢がない)

作画引用・出典 キングダム英語版 (原 泰久) 集英社

I understand that you are terrified.

The enemy is powerful.While many of us are women and children.

And if do fight, much blood will be spilt.Many of you will lose your very lives.

作画引用・出典 キングダム英語版 (原 泰久) 集英社

However, It was through the blood and life offered up in the same manner by your fathers and their fathers that QIN was built up to be what it is today!

It was through(~を通して) the blood and life(血と命) offered up in the same manner by(~によって同じように提供された) your fathers(そなたらの父親たち) and their fathers(またその父親たち)

Your lives now are a culmination of all that.

culmination of all that=それらの集大成

If we were to surrender or if we were to be defeated, everything will turn to ashes.
The history of the state of QIN will end here.

everything will turn to ashes.(全て灰になる)=無に帰す

Its peaple shall be slaughtered.
Those who survive shall be snatched away along with our lands.
They will be taken as slaves to serve the other states.
And their children shall be slaves too.

snatched away=奪われる

The only ones who can stop this from happening are you who stand here.

The only(唯一)
ones who can stop this from happening(この事態を止められる人たち)
you who stand here(ここにいるあなたたち)

It’s fine. O brave youth,what is your name? (構わん。勇敢な少年よ、そなたの名は?)


作画引用・出典 キングダム英語版 (原 泰久) 集英社

It’s fine.
O brave youth,what is your name?

作画引用・出典 キングダム英語版 (原 泰久) 集英社

KNSHUU son of KANJIN. It is an honour to fight by your side in this decisive battle.

honour to fight by your side(あなたのそばで戦えることは誇り)
decisive battle=決戦


Out of the question.
I came here so that I could spill my blood alongside all of you.
On this battlefield which holds the fate of QIN in its hands, how could I leave now?

Out of the question.(全く問題にならない)
On this battlefield which holds the fate of QIN(秦の命運を握るこの戦場にて)
how could I leave now?(どうやって私は去るという?)

作画引用・出典 キングダム英語版 (原 泰久) 集英社

Have you resolved your selves!?


This battle on which hinges the survival of 530 years of QIN history…

hinges the survival(存続をかけた要所)=存亡

Will without a doubt, be under protection of our sacred ancestors!

Will without a doubt(間違いなく)=必ず
sacred ancestors=神聖な祖先

All those who have given up their lives in times past will definitely be supporting our backs!

We shall fight to the very end, o children of QIN.(最後まで戦うぞ、秦の子らよ)

作画引用・出典 キングダム英語版 (原 泰久) 集英社

We shall fight to the very end, o children of QIN.

We shall ●● to ◆◆=◆◆まで●●しよう
very end=最後

We will surely protect our kingdom!


